Sealey's Scholarships
Bridging the Gap
Sealey's Scholarships are part of our commitment to improving access to healthcare in the communities we serve. Physicians and other medical workers can apply for small patient grants to cover costs related to healthcare access, enhancing the lives of their patients and families.

How does it work?
Identify Need
Do you know of a patient family in need of additional support? Identify one area of need that will truly make a difference in their lives and improve their access to healthcare, and find a potential solution.
Apply for Funds
Start your application for a Sealey's Scholarship using our form. Remember to clearly identify the need and who it will benefit, and the dollar value of the need.
Please note we can only provide grants up to $250 at this time.
Receive the Grant
Once your application is approved, The Legacy Foundation will work with you to fulfill the need directly. Please be patient as we process applications on a need-priority system, and emergency requests are processed first.